Let’s break bread and norms together

Mahsa Darabi is passionate about discovering, creating, and sharing greater ease, pleasure, and nourishment in and out of the kitchen. For Mahsa, The Moody Persian is about community, making authentic connections where people’s whole selves feel at home.

Growing up in Lake Oswego, Oregon as a gangly immigrant girl from Iran, Mahsa’s journey to self-acceptance is a hard-earned gift she believes is paying forward. 

“I felt uprooted from everything I knew. Over and over again when I need it most, I return home through flavor, ritual, and nourishment. Home isn’t always defined by a geographical location. Home is a grounded state of mind, a centering sparked by spices and ingredients that reconnect me to home, to myself, offering comfort, ease, and wholeness.”

Mahsa has enjoyed an enduring career as a commercial model and actor for over 20 years and has also worked as a private chef and real estate agent. 

In her most recent passion project, Mahsa is co-director, executive producer, and host of the short documentary film MAHSA (or, the Girl That Ate Her Way Home). Investing in a subject dear to her heart, the film posits that when the world bewilders us, we can find clarity and communion through sharing what we eat--and our authentic selves--with one another. 

Fun Fact: Prompted by a dare from her daughters, Mahsa was a finalist on Food Network’s Cutthroat Kitchen, winning a trip to NYC to make succulent lamb for Iron Chef Bobby Flay. 


